Awards at the 2018 Conference

What a team!

We are proud to announce that the ULB Delegation comes back home from a highly successful Model NATO 2018 with 5 AWARDS!


The first two prizes were awarded to our two representatives on the North Atlantic Council for their performance : the “Outsanding Delegation Award“, the highest award in the most competitive committee.

The representatives of the Nuclear and Political Committee were also rewarded
for their amazing performances with the “Superior Delegation Award“.

Finally, the delegation as a whole was rewarded for the efforts made by all its members
to best represent the interests of Belgium.

But these awards were not the only things our delegates gained during the experience. The opportunity to meet and share our knowledge and interests with American, Canadian, English and Swedish students would not have been possible without this conference. We had the privilege of sharing our passion with people as engaged as we are, with the tools of negotiation and diplomacy that were different from ours, which was an enriching opportunity for all of us.

This NATO simulation exercise is the only one of its kind in the world, and we are delighted and proud to have been able to represent Belgium in all its forms in it.

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